
Wednesday, 25 November 2009

How to Dream the Big Dreams

souce : www.motivation123.com

Step 1: Allow Yourself to Dream
The first step to tapping into the ability to create a compelling and exciting goal is to give yourself the freedom to dream. Many consider it wishful thinking or wasteful daydreaming, but chasing a dream is at the heart of a richer, more rewarding life.

If you don't personally choose a future, chance will do it for you. And with the way chance works, things most likely won't turn out as you would have liked them to.

Investing your time in the act of dreaming for more than you have now is not a luxury for those who have spare time; it is for anyone who wants to live a better life. If you can meet that requirement, you have every right to dream--and dream big.

Step #2: Create Space for Your Dream
Designating a room or particular space in your home as the place for your dream or goal will not only give you a place to think and work without distraction but also demonstrate a personal commitment to the process.

Set up a writing area in the den. Create your photo studio in the basement. Don't need an entire room? No problem. Hang a cork board in the kitchen to serve as the altar to your goal.

Whatever it may be, make it real and give your dream the space it deserves.

Step #3: Test the Dream
How can you be sure the dream you've chosen is right for you? Test it.

Always wanted to be a teacher? Volunteer in a classroom to see how it goes. Want to become a writer? Submit a handful of small pieces to your local newspaper or community newsletter and gauge their reaction--and yours.

With a small test, you'll gain firsthand experience with your dream and discover which path is best suited for you.

Step #4: Confront Your Fears
Fear, in most cases, is like fog: hazy and undefined. Not only does this make it seem worse than it truly is, but it also makes it impossible to overcome.

If you want to live your dream, you have to get specific about your fears. This will bring them back down to reality and give you the chance to finally put them behind you.

Get out a sheet of paper and make a list of the things your dream requires you to do, steps you have to take in order to get what you want. Next to each step, list the fears you have about taking it. What is it--exactly--that you're afraid of?

When you get clear about the things standing in your way, you're sure to discover many more molehills than mountains.

Final Step: Take Baby Steps to Success
It doesn't have to happen overnight. In fact, it rarely does. Success is made up of many tiny steps taken one after the other. Not in a single, massive leap.

With your dream in mind, create a list of several mini-steps that break the dream down into manageable pieces. When you finish the initial list, repeat the process until you get what you want.

Tackling your goal all at once will only scare you off, but taking it one step at a time will ensure you begin and finish.

You can live your dream. Putting these simple tips to work in your life will help you stop wishing and start making it happen.


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