
Sunday, 6 December 2009

Human nature

In relation to humans, there are four basic assumptions: perbedan individual, full of people, motivated behavior, and values of people (human dignity)

Individual differences
People have a lot in common (they feel happy, or sad because of losing someone you love), but every person in this world also differ individually. In the hills lay millions of Greenland thin flakes; but we are pretty sure that each is different. Life on earth millions of people who did not elaborate the same (and we expect that all the things that follow will be different)! Each person is different from each other, perhaps in the millions of things, like human fingerprints that are not similar, as far as we know all the differences were usually quite important. For example, imagine a person's brain cells whose numbers are millions with millions of possible combinations of relationships and experiences that can chip in it dismpan. Everyone is different. This is a fact that supported the science.

The idea of individual differences psychology originally came from. Since at birth, each person bringing their unique and individual experience of each birth tends to make people more different. Individual differences mean that management can gain the greatest motivation among the employees by treating them differently. If it were not for the individual differences must be applied certain standards that apply to all people in terms of managing employees, and only needed the break (judgment) minimum. Individual differences requires that justice and decency treatment of employees should be individualized, so it is not statistical. The belief that each person differ from one another is typically referred to as the Law of Individual Differences.

People completely
Although some organizations may wish to only use one skill or brains, which they acquire the whole person, not a particular characteristic separately. We may be able to explore different human traits separately, but in the last analysis all cirri is a system that forms the whole person. The existence of skill is not separate from the background or knowledge. Life at home can not be separated entirely from the life in the workplace, and emotional conditions are not separate from the physical condition. People function as whole human beings.

If the practice manager of organizational behavior, he not only was trying to develop a better employee, but he also wants to develop people in relation to growth and fulfillment (fulfillment). The study revealed that at least the work is formed of people when they do, so managers need to consider their impact upon people as a whole iru. In addition to being an employee in a particular company, they also became a member in various other organizations, and they play many roles outside the company. If employees can be improved as a whole person, the benefits obtained would extend beyond the corporate environment into the larger society in which employees reside.

Motivated behavior
Of psychology, we know that the normal behavior has a specific cause. Because this may be related to one's needs and / ataukonsekuensi arising from the action. In terms of needs, the people are not motivated by the things that they think we should have but by the things we want. For others, the needs of a person may not relistik., But they still can control it. This fact raises two basic ways to motivate people. It can show them that certain actions will enhance the fulfillment of their needs, or may result in decreased compliance requirements if they follow the direction of the unwanted action. Obviously the way increasing blood circumstances meet the needs of a better approach.
Motivation is essential for the realization of the organization. It does not matter how many machines and equipment owned by the organization, it will not work if not used properly by people who have been motivated.

Imagine for a moment a locomotive that stood at the train station. All rails and equipment are functioning properly; schedules and travel routes have been established; purposes specified; tickets have been sold; and the passengers have occupied their respective places. It does not matter how good all this preparation has been done, the train can not move blood seincipun circumstances except if the next station has enabled the steam engine that is, if the motive power has been supplied. Similarly, in turn motivated the organization to continue moving power of the organization.

The value of (human dignity)
This concept is different from the other three elements for an ethical philosophy more than mengandng semantic conclusion. This concept asserts that people need to be distinguished from other production factors because they are higher than all the things in the universe. Therefore, they want to be respected in accordance with the status and dignity as human beings and should be treated as such. Every job, no matter how simple, giving rights to people who do it to gain deserved respect and recognition of their aspirations and Traffic. The concept of human dignity rejected the idea of looking at kunyang tool segabai employees.
Ethical philosophy is reflected in the conscience of mankind which is reinforced by the experiences of people in all age categories. It relates to the consequences of our tindkan for ourselves and for others. He admitted that life contains overall goals and receive personal integrity of each person. Oraganisasi behavior forever because the people involved, in any action covered by ethical philosophy through a variety of ways. Human decisions can not, and should not, be separated from values.


  1. Sanguinis personality (extrovert, speaking, optimistic)
Emotion sanguinis
  • Attractive personality
  • Like talking
  • Sense of humor
  • Clever convey ideas or new breakthrough in a clear and interesting
  • Emotional and demonstrative
  • Enthusiastic and expressive
  • Cheerful and energetic
  • Curious
  • Easily changed
  • Quickly in making decisions

Sanguinis in job
  • Volunteers for tasks
  • Thinking about a new activity
  • Looks great on the surface
  • Creative and Innovative
  • Have the energy and enthusiasm
  • Start with a brilliant way
  • Dazzle others to work

2. Melancholy personality (Introvert, thinkers, pessimistic)

Emotion Melancholy
  • Deep and full of thoughts
  • Analytical
  • Serious and persistent
  • Tend genius
  • Talented and creative
  • Artistic or musical
  • Philosophical and poetic
  • Appreciating Beauty
  • Taste of others
  • Like sacrifice
  • Like Sacrifice
  • Idealist

Melancholy in the work
  • schedule oriented
  • Perfectionist, high standards
  • Conscious details
  • Persistent and careful
  • Tertip and organized
  • Organized and orderly
  • Economic

3. Koleris personality (extrovert, actors, Optimist)
Emotion Koleris
  • Talented leaders
  • Dynamic and active
  • Badly in need of change
  • Strong-willed and assertive
  • What principle should
  • No emotional
  • Not easily discouraged
  • Free and independent
  • Tend authoritarian

Koleris at work
  • target oriented
  • Well organized
  • Move quickly to act
  • Delegate
  • Emphasis on results
  • Creating targets
  • Stimulating activities
  • Developed due to competition
  • No need to friend
  • Excellent in emergencies

4. Phlegmatis personality (Introvert, Observer, pessimistic)
Emotion Phlegmatis
  • Humble personality
  • Dansantai sociable
  • Quiet, calm, patient
  • Consistent life
  • Quiet but intelligent, sympathetic
  • Hiding emotions
  • Avoiding conflict
  • Happy to accept life

Phlegmatis at work
  • Competent and confident
  • Peaceful and easy to agree
  • Mediate problems
  • Avoiding conflict
  • Good under pressure
  • Easy to get along with
  • Do not like offensive
  • Good listener
  • Fun
  • Slow in making decisions

Not as difficult as YOU IMAGINE

In a field there is a stone that is very large. And an old farmer for many years that there plowing around the big rock. There's enough of the broken ploughshare because of plowing around the stone. Paddies planted around the stone was not growing well.
In a field there is a stone that is very large. And an old farmer for many years that there plowing around the big rock. There's enough of the broken ploughshare because of plowing around the stone. Paddies planted around the stone was not growing well.

Today his ploughshare broke again. He then thought that all had experienced difficulties caused by this huge rock. Then he decided to do something on the stone. Then he took a crowbar and started digging a hole under the
stone. What a surprise when he learned that he was just as thick as the stone about 6 inches only. Actually, the stone can be easily solved with a regular hammer. Then he then destroy the stone, smiling happily. He recalled that all the difficulties that the natural over the years by the rock turned out to be overcome easily and quickly.

We are often feared by the shadows as we face the problem looked great, but when we want to do something, the problem is easily solved. Then, overcome your problem now. Because not as much as you fear, and not necessarily as difficult as you imagine

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

The Audacity of Apollo by Jim Stovall

source : www.getmotivation.com

Sometimes, we have to peer into the dim recesses of the past to visualize how bright the future can be.

Most of us remember watching Neal Armstrong, live or on videotape, as he stepped onto the surface of the moon. We remember that grainy, shadowy, black and white image as he assured us that it was one small step for man but a giant leap for mankind.

History has proven that Neal Armstrong was right, but if his small step for man took place in July of 1969, I would submit for your consideration that the giant leap for mankind took place on May 25, 1961–more than eight years before Neal Armstrong struggled down the ladder of the Apollo landing craft.

In May of 1961, President John F. Kennedy spoke to a joint session of Congress. On that day, he threw down the gauntlet that America should send a man to the moon and return him safely within the decade. As we look back on a successful moon landing for that Apollo mission, it’s hard to imagine the audacity of President Kennedy’s statement in 1961.

As he uttered those words, no American had even been in earth orbit, much less approach the moon. The moon landing would require rockets not yet designed, made of metals and alloys not yet conceived, flown using navigation, telemetry, and docking techniques not yet developed.

From 1969 through 1972, 12 Americans walked on the moon. During that time, it became so routine to us back here on earth that moon landings didn’t even garner top headlines or interrupt the primetime TV schedule. No one has been back to the moon since then.

As we look back on this awesome feat made possible through the committed efforts of literally thousands of people, we have to ask ourselves whether JFK already knew things were possible when he made the statement or whether, when he made the statement, the impossible became conceivable, and the conceivable became doable.

Having read historical accounts written by the best scientific minds of the 1960s and now the 21st Century, it is apparent that neither President Kennedy nor anyone else knew how we would get to the moon.

The most miraculous outcome of Apollo may not be the walk on the moon. It may be the power of an idea clearly articulated with firm conviction.

Many scientific breakthroughs came out of those Apollo moon missions that made the world a better place; but these improvements pale in comparison to what we could do if we would practice a bit more audacity and a bit less practicality.

My friend and colleague, Dr. Robert Schuller, often says, “Never get the ‘How are you going to do it?’ mixed up in the ‘What are you going to do?’” Dr. Schuller understands what President Kennedy understood which is that our capacity is much greater than our current situation or the sum total of our present abilities.

As you go through your day today, think audacious thoughts, and make a point of taking an evening stroll. Look up at the moon, and imagine the possibilities.

Flying Into Headwinds By Brian Tracy

source : www.getmotivation.com

When you set off toward a new destination or goal, like taking off in an airplane, you will have an idea of both your departure time and your arrival time. You will set a schedule for yourself and expect to arrive pretty much on schedule. But as soon as you take off, you will experience what pilots call “unexpected headwinds.”

The situation in your life is similar. As soon as you embark on a new journey, you will experience headwinds as well: everything will cost twice as much and take three times longer than you anticipated. You should estimate how long you will take to achieve certain milestones and then triple that time to get the actual time period required.

Types of Headwinds

Headwinds in your business and personal life will come from several sources. Your primary source of headwinds will be other people. They will disappoint you, cheat you, betray you, and fail to live up to your expectations, and turn out to be incompetent or indifferent.

Your customers will be a major source of headwinds. When you start a new venture, you will be amazed at how difficult it is to get customers to buy your product or service for the first time.

Your customers will disappoint you in that they will buy less than you expected, take longer to buy than you expected, pay slower than you expected, and complain more than expected. Remember that the customer is always right. It is not what you produce but what people buy that counts.

Financial Headwinds

Another form of headwinds that you will face has to do with money. Some people will tell you that it is easy to make all the money you want just by thinking positively and visualizing yourself as wealthy.

Everyone wants to believe that this is true, and many people embrace the idea of effortless wealth with their whole hearts. But that doesn’t include those people who have actually achieved financial success.

People who have made a lot of money have learned through bitter experience that the only thing easy about money is losing it. As the Japanese proverb says, “Making money is like digging with a pin; losing money is like pouring water on the sand.”

Personal Headwinds

You will experience headwinds personally in that you will discover, much to your surprise that you lack specific talents, skills, and knowledge that you need to succeed.

You may find that you are a poor time manager or that you lack self-discipline. You cannot seem to focus, concentrate, and apply yourself single-mindedly to your most important tasks. You waste time and feel overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time in which to do it.

You may lack financial, analytic, marketing, or selling skills. You may not know how to plan and organize your business, advertise effectively and attract customers, or persuade your prospects to buy from you.

Fortunately these are all learnable skills. But the starting point of mastering these essential skills is for you to admit that you need them. After that, the education can begin.

Action Exercise:

Because of your incredible mind, you can learn any skill you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set for yourself. You must never allow yourself to be held back because you lack a particular skill. Figure out what skill you need to increase the quality of your life, and then set out to learn it.
Brian Tracy is one of the world’s leading authorities on personal and business success. His fast-moving talks and seminars are loaded with powerful, proven ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately to get better results in every area. Be sure to visit the Brian Tracy web site.

-What are your thoughts on the ideas above? Join the conversation by leaving a comment below.

The Laws of Adversity By Joe Tye

Source : www.getmotivation.com

Bad things happen to good people. It’s not fair, but it’s true. Other than the fact that it was beautifully written, I think the reason Harold Kushner’s book The Laws of Adversity By Joe Tye struck such a chord (and was such a huge international bestseller) is that we can all relate to the title.

We’ve all seen it happen – to ourselves or to others (or all of the above). If life is a journey, then we all at some point pass through the valley of the shadow of death.

I’d like to share with you ten principles that I consider to be the Laws of Adversity. I hope that adversity doesn’t strike you this week, but if it does I hope that someday you’ll be able to look back and say that it was the best thing that every could have happened.

Law #1: Adversity is not optional; bad things do happen to good people. Fortunately, as Harold Kushner writes in his book of that title, “The ability to forgive and the ability to love are the weapons God has given us to live fully, bravely, and meaningfully in this less-than-perfect world.”

Law #2: You might not be able to choose whether or not you pass through the valley of the shadow, but you do choose whether or not to take up permanent residence down there in the darkness.

Law #3: We learn and grow more from our setbacks than we do from our successes. Adversity prepares you for bigger challenges and accomplishments in the future.

Law #4: Surviving adversity is a great way to build self-confidence, and to give you a more positive perspective on future adversity (if we survived that we can survive anything!).

Law #5: Adversity helps prevent hubris, arrogance, and complacency.

Law #6: When things aren’t working, it forces you to look at more creative solutions. There is opportunity hidden in every single adversity if you have the strength and courage to search for it and to pursue it when you’ve found it.

Law #7: What you’ve fought to gain you’ll fight to keep and vice versa – easy come, easy go – but what you had to fight to gain you will fight doubly hard to retain.

Law #8: Without the valleys, you won’t appreciate the mountains.

Law #9: Adversity keeps teaching – it provides great stories for the grandchildren! Your setbacks can, if you’re committed to learning from them and teaching about them, be the source of great learning for others.

Law #10: Adversity is a quiet teacher; you have to probe carefully for its lessons.
Joe Tye is America’s Values Coach. He is also the author of several books and audio programs on personal, career, and business success, and a popular motivational speaker. Visit www.JoeTye.com

-I’m a big believer that adversity and challenges don’t occur simply to try and keep us from the good things in life. My own experiences have shown me that life’s challenges are in many cases opportunities through which we can grow and gain the skills necessary to attain a higher level of success then would likely have been possible without the skill set acquired from having overcome the given adversity.

The key is we have to be willing to work through whatever adversities come our way (and keep in mind the basic understanding that there’s a lesson in every challenge we’re faced with).

What’s your opinion? Do you have any experiences you would like to share where by overcoming or working through a challenge you found yourself better prepared as a result?

How to Dream the Big Dreams

souce : www.motivation123.com

Step 1: Allow Yourself to Dream
The first step to tapping into the ability to create a compelling and exciting goal is to give yourself the freedom to dream. Many consider it wishful thinking or wasteful daydreaming, but chasing a dream is at the heart of a richer, more rewarding life.

If you don't personally choose a future, chance will do it for you. And with the way chance works, things most likely won't turn out as you would have liked them to.

Investing your time in the act of dreaming for more than you have now is not a luxury for those who have spare time; it is for anyone who wants to live a better life. If you can meet that requirement, you have every right to dream--and dream big.

Step #2: Create Space for Your Dream
Designating a room or particular space in your home as the place for your dream or goal will not only give you a place to think and work without distraction but also demonstrate a personal commitment to the process.

Set up a writing area in the den. Create your photo studio in the basement. Don't need an entire room? No problem. Hang a cork board in the kitchen to serve as the altar to your goal.

Whatever it may be, make it real and give your dream the space it deserves.

Step #3: Test the Dream
How can you be sure the dream you've chosen is right for you? Test it.

Always wanted to be a teacher? Volunteer in a classroom to see how it goes. Want to become a writer? Submit a handful of small pieces to your local newspaper or community newsletter and gauge their reaction--and yours.

With a small test, you'll gain firsthand experience with your dream and discover which path is best suited for you.

Step #4: Confront Your Fears
Fear, in most cases, is like fog: hazy and undefined. Not only does this make it seem worse than it truly is, but it also makes it impossible to overcome.

If you want to live your dream, you have to get specific about your fears. This will bring them back down to reality and give you the chance to finally put them behind you.

Get out a sheet of paper and make a list of the things your dream requires you to do, steps you have to take in order to get what you want. Next to each step, list the fears you have about taking it. What is it--exactly--that you're afraid of?

When you get clear about the things standing in your way, you're sure to discover many more molehills than mountains.

Final Step: Take Baby Steps to Success
It doesn't have to happen overnight. In fact, it rarely does. Success is made up of many tiny steps taken one after the other. Not in a single, massive leap.

With your dream in mind, create a list of several mini-steps that break the dream down into manageable pieces. When you finish the initial list, repeat the process until you get what you want.

Tackling your goal all at once will only scare you off, but taking it one step at a time will ensure you begin and finish.

You can live your dream. Putting these simple tips to work in your life will help you stop wishing and start making it happen.

Friday, 20 November 2009

LiVinG Spirit


1. Organizational Competence
2. Repeat
3. Your work takes you to the point of bursting
4. It is a valid option

Yours To The absolute risk of avoiding risk are people who are not friendly to the likelihood of success. Then how could he hopes the success will smile back at him

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Meaning of Friend...

When God calls you first,
Ask him whether to bring a friend ....

If your age to one hundred years,
I want to live a hundred years less one day,
So I'm not going to feel to live without you,
on my side ....

True friendship like the meaning of health:
New value we realize that we kehilanganya ....

True friends, will remain with us,
when we feel the whole world is leaving us,,,

My father always said,
If you have many true friends,,
then you will have a wonderful life,,,

If all my friends jumped of a cliff,
I'm not going to follow them,
I'll be at the bottom of the abyss of their arrest utuk

Embrace your true friend with both your arms,

I will guide you
and you will lead me
so instead,,,

Friendship is one soul in two bodies

Do you walk in front of me,
I will not be able to follow you.
Do not you be at your back,
I will not be able to lead you.
Walk beside me,
and be my best friend ....

Friends will listen,
what you say.
True friends will hear,
what you do not say.

A friend is
who can listen to the song
in your heart,
and sing again,
when you forgot the words.

We all have different roles in life,
but it does not matter which of our positions,
will have the slightest sense that role.

Friends of the hand of God to keep us.

Strangers are,,,,
friends who waited to see what would happen.
True friend like snacks in the bowl of life.

As a Woman

In the Hebrew Talmud, where the teachings of the Rabbis involved in it, is written:

Make sure you do not ever make a woman cry,
because God count grains of tears ...

A woman was created from the rib of the man,
not from his feet to step on it,,,
not from his head to master it,,,
but from his side, so that they become equal,,,

In his arms, to hug her,,,
niche through the heart, to love her ,,,,,

What is about LoVe...

Love is a feeling you want to share with, or a feeling of affection for someone. Another opinion, love is an action / activity conducted on human beings against another object, of self-sacrifice, empathy, attention, give love, help, follow the words, followed, obedient, and willing to do any desired object.

The experts have defined and sort out the meaning of this term is very complicated. Among others, they distinguish between:
  • Love of family
  • Love to your friends, or philia
  • Romantic love or also called romance
  • Love is just a lust or love eros
  • Love each other or also called love or agape
  • Love herself, who called narcissism
  • Love will be a particular concept
  • Love to country or patriotism
  • Love will be a nation or nationalism
Several languages, including Indonesian or Melayu language when compared with the current multiple languages in Europe, looks more vocabulary in expressing these concepts. Including ancient Greek language, which distinguishes between three or more concepts: eros, philia and agape.

Defining love
Like many types of lovers, there are many kinds of love. Love was in throughout all of human culture. Because of this cultural difference, the definition of love was difficult to set. See the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
The expression of love may include the love of 'soul' or mind, love of law and organizations, love loss, love nature, love food, love money, love learning, love of power, love of fame, etc.. Love is more directed to an abstract concept, easier experienced than explained.

Interpersonal love
Interpersonal love refers to love between human beings.
Some elements are often present in interpersonal love:
  • affection: respect others
  • Bonding: satisfying basic emotional needs
  • Altruism: a non-selfish concern for others
  • Reciprocation: mutual love
  • Commitment: a desire to perpetuate the love
  • Emotional Intimacy: berbagia emotions and sense
  • Kinship: family bonds
  • Passion: sexual desire
  • Physical intimacy: sharing life with each other closely
  • Self-interest: the love of personal expecting
  • Service: desire to help
Sexual energy can become the most important element in determining the form of the relationship. But sexual attraction often creates a new bond, sexual desire is considered bad or inappropriate in some bond of love. In many religious and ethical system it is considered wrong to have sexual desire for immediate family, children, or outside a committed relationship.
But many ways to express affection without sex. Affection, emotional intimacy and the same hobbies very common in friends and relatives throughout the human.

Start With What's There

You will not be able to appreciate what would you have if you can not appreciate what you have right now. Do you agree with that statement? Maybe you'll nodding in agreement.

But in reality, many of us are often trapped and mesmerized by 'the wrong focus'. We are often more appreciative and paying attention to what is not owned, that we desire, rather than on what is already there in our hands.

Call it for example, someone who is in love. He sometimes can get carried away, so forget about family and friends. All the attention and sacrifice as directed only to the he was a. Only a boyfriend who looks important in the eyes, hence the term until the world seemed to belong together.

Everyone seemed to be less important than a boyfriend. Even his own family often forgotten, abandoned, or despised only because of a boyfriend.

In reality, we are only able to love properly boyfriend when we first succeeded in loving and accepting family or the people closest to what they are.

If we fail to love and accept people who have become part of our lives, we too will fail to love the people who will be part of our lives in the future.

Why is that? Because down the road of our lives, 'the people hard to be loved' it will always be there. There will always be pros and cons. We're just dreaming if we expect that we just brought into contact with people who just fun-fun. After all, people are not fun though will always be there to be a part of our lives.

In fact, precisely for those 'difficult' or not absorbed that we should be grateful, because by their existence, we will be prevented from being arrogant and casually. Just think, what would happen if everyone loved and flatter us?! Well, we certainly will be the most arrogant creatures wide highway.

So now the question, why sometimes we are more able to love 'outsiders' than 'insiders'? Why are we so drawn to better appreciate a girlfriend than his own family or friends?

Why only one, namely because we do not really know the character's girlfriend is.

Long life with family and friends make us know what their true character. And, sometimes in the introduction, we often experience conflicts and friction with them, causing a name conflict. Unresolved conflicts that then pollute our relationship with them. Perhaps we are so disappointed, resentful, angry, or hurt.

Then, an outsider to come, and we naively think that they will not hurt us as it had been done by the people closest to us.

In reality, no human being in this world that does not disappoint. All have flaws and imperfections were born in, so that each person has the potential to disappoint each other with each other. Because that's the deal with the existing relationship we need to put mental friends, so not easy to be disappointed.

So, from now on, change our perspective. Let us start from what is within us. If we close there are people that are difficult to face or be loved, then start learning to love and accept them as they are, because if the newly arrived, then we are ready to accept it, because we've trained myself to accept that long.

Saturday, 14 November 2009


Losses-Losses will produce people who will take revenge, blind to the fact that the murder was suicide. Revenge is a double-edged sword, able to kill the enemy at once can kill themselves. There are people who become centered on the enemy, so totally obsessed with the behavior of his opponent to the point that becomes blind to everything but their desire for him to lose, hostile conflict, a philosophy which is very exhausting war. Lose-lose philosophy is also very dependent person, without direction from the inside, who suffer and think everyone else should suffer too. Instead, Win-Win is a frame of mind and heart continue to seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-Win means that agreements or solutions provide benefits beyond timbale. With a Win-Win solution, all parties are happy with the decision and felt bound by tindakaanya plan. Win-Win to see life as a cooperative arena, not competitive. Most people tend to think in dichotomies, strong or weak, hard or soft, manang or lose. However, such thinking is fundamentally flawed. This way of thinking based on power and position rather than on principle. Win-Win is based on the paradigm that there is a lot for everybody, that one person's success is not achieved at the expense or remove other people's success. Thus the word. Stephen R. Covey.

Think Win-Win is the habit of interpersonal leadership, which requires the exercise of the unique human gift, such as conscience, self-awareness, imagination and free will are framed with a noble morality and obedience to the Creator, Allah. Morals are the basis of the Win-Win and others built on the basis of morality is. Tenderness, kepemaafan, empathy with others, communicate with active listening, working hard and always bersrah to God is a noble character.

Empathic communication is communication with active listening, namely communication by responding to what was said, intended and the other person's feelings. Communication is the other person solve the problem alone. Empathic communication is a central circle of successful leadership. Once Ali ibn Abi Talib (in-law and nephew of the Prophet) asked the Messenger of his love to her and Fatimah (the Prophet's daughter). "O Messenger of Allah. why hast thou more than I love Fatima? "asked Ali. Prophet smiled and then answered "Yes Ali, I love Fatima's more than you, but I love you more than Fatima".

source : m.suyanto.com