
Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Confident is Important

My friend Whit is a professional magician, and he leased a restaurant in Los Angeles to play tricks every evening to entertain diners while they eat. One afternoon he went to a family, and after introducing himself, he pulled out a deck of cards and went into action. When faced with a little girl sitting at the table, he was told that Wendy, the child, was a blind girl. Whit replied, "It's okay. If he wanted, I wanted to try a magic trick. "As he turned to the child, Whit said," Wendy, you want to help me do this trick? "
With a shy, Wendy shrugged and said, "Want". Whit sitting in a chair across from Wendy's, then said, "I will show you a card, Wendy, and the card can be red and black. I want you to use your psychic powers and tell what color the card, red or black. You understand? "Wendy nodded. Whit show king card clubs and said, "Wendy, this is a red card or black card?"
Kemudiaan a moment, the blind child said, "Black". The family smiled. Whit raised seven card heart and said, "This is a red card or black card?" Wendy said, "red" Then Whit held three cards, three of diamonds and said, "red or black?" Without hesitation, Wendy said, "red ". His family laughed nervously. Whit raised three cards again and Wendy to guess all three correctly!His family could hardly believe how telling his guess.
In the seventh card, Whit held five hearts and say, "Wendy, I want you to guess the value and type of this card. whether the heart, diamonds, clubs or leaves. "A moment later, Wendy replied confidently," five of hearts cards "Her family breathed a breath.
They were amazed! Whit asked his father if he uses magic tricks or real. Whit replied, "You have to ask yourself to Wendy" The father said, "Wendy, how?" Wendy smiled and said."Magic!". Whit shook hands with the whole family, hugging Wendy, leaving his business card, then said goodbye. Clearly he has created a magical moment that will never be forgotten by the family. The question, of course, how Wendy's know the color card? because Whit had never met Wendy before the events in the restaurant, he certainly could not tell before when he will issue a red card or black card. and because Wendy was blind, he could not see color or the value of the card Whit show. so how?
Whit able to create a miracle once in a lifetime by using a secret code and think fast. Early in his career, Whit foot creating a code to convey information to others without kata2. He has not had a chance to use that code to the events in the restaurant. When Whit was sitting across from Wendy and said, "I will show you a card, Wendy, and the card can be red or black," he tapped Wendy feet (at the foot of the table) so when he says "red" and twice when he says "black "
To make sure that Wendy understood, he repeated the secret sign, saying, "I want you to use your psychic powers and tell me, what color the card, red (for) or black (tuk tuk). Do you understand? "When Wendy nodded, he knew that Wendy had understood the code and want to play. Her family thought when Whit asked if Wendy "understand," he was referring to his verbal instructions. How he told the five of hearts card at Wendy? Simple. He knocked Wendy foot five times to tell that the card is worth five. When he asked if the card hearts, leaves, curly or diamonds, he told sex with Wendy foot tapping when he says "heart"
The real magic or a miracle of this story is its effect on Wendy. EVENT IS NOT JUST gave him a chance to shine for a moment and FEEL SPECIAL IN front of her family, HIM, BUT ALSO TO BE A STAR IN THE HOUSE. DURING WHICH HE IS TO FEEL THE CHARGES family, parallel to FEEL TODAY BECAUSE THEY THAT HAPPENS.
A few months after the incident, Whit received a package from Wendy. It contained a set of Braille cards, along with a letter. In the letter, thanked Wendy Whit has made him feel special, and help him "see" for some time. EVEN TO STAY WENDY WAS NOT SEEN, BUT SULAP belief has grown Whit HIMSELF DURING THIS IS MISSING. Wendy closed the letter by saying that he wanted to Whit receive these braille cards so he could think of other tricks for the blind.
Source: Adapted from Chicken Soup for the Soul by Michael Jeffreys


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